Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas to All

Thanksgiving was over, our grandson Jesse and Laura with their three precious children left – us exhausted! We so enjoyed their visit and the wonderful stage that the children are in. Kaylee is so cute – dancing about the house – Landon is so smart and a definite leader! Little Kaedon is cute as a 3 month can possibly be and the parents should be very proud – they are such good kids!

Cold and Flu season caught both Ron & I the first of December and slowed us down for a full two weeks. I finally had to get antibiotics to kick the stuff. In the meantime we have been having a blast enjoying every little thing we do to make this dark season bright and fun.

The lights were on the house before Thanksgiving so that before the great grandchildren left they could walk up the street and see them come on! They thought that was great fun.

Ron started sewing Christmas Gifts making (instead of stockings to stuff) 14 Hobo Bags,and at least twice that many reusable grocery bags + some very special stuff I can't mention before presents are opened!

On the 11th of December we finally felt well enough to get our tree. I got extra branches to make wreaths but just didn't regain enough energy to get that job done.
Gratefully, Mike and Ron helped in the kitchen cracking and grinding walnuts so I could bake a few christmas cookies for gifts. Of course we snitched a few. They are so fragile, and you have to eat the one's that break, don't you?

We had fun decorating the inside of the house with lights and festivity. I am in ecstasy as I sit in my beautiful recliner (recovered by Ron last Christmas) listening to my surround sound Christmas Music and enjoying my elegant fireplace with all the festive lights casting a warm glow all about! How lucky I am! All the things I dreamed of as a child and young adult.

When I was a teenager and discovered I enjoyed classical music – the only instrument I had was a little plastic radio with no antenna . If I touched the metal at the back of the radio I was able to ground it somehow and could tune in to my favorite music. Stereo sound, much less surround sound was not even in existence!

Ron & I enjoyed a lovely evening out with Mike and Cynthia last week when we walked through the Magic of Christmas at the Mission Mill Museum. It was a beautiful evening for a stroll through the lights – and dinner later at the Ram Bar and Grill.

We are all looking forward to our family gathering hosted by my beautiful daughter and wonderful son in law here in Salem. My ex-husband and professional entertainer Bob will make my old piano sing along with anyone who wants to join in! It will be wonderful fun!

Christmas and Holiday Greetings to all of you! We love you and have you close to our hearts!


Anonymous said...

Thank you again, Betty for sharing with us! Looks so beautiful in the house and outside.

We have lots and lots of snow and look forward to a nice Christmas with my brother and his family.

Lots of love and GOD JUL!

Maria, Helena and Simon

Mike Nickell and Cynthia Johnson said...

We're glad you two are feeling better. And thank you for the cookies!! YUM YUM

Ron and Betty said...

Greetings to the Lofgren family in Sweden. We hope you have a wonderful visit and family time. Congratulations to CiCi and the new baby! Love to all