Sunday, November 29, 2009

Children-Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren

Thanksgiving was very special for us this year. Tim decided to spend the day with us,
Eli came for a while and Jesse, Laura and their three children came on Wednesday night and stayed until Sunday Morning!

What a gift!

Kaylee is 4 years old and is sweet and fun to play with (most of the time). We credit both parents with a very good job – because the children are polite and mind very well. Kaylee brought a DVD of her tap dancing performances from last June. It was not only fun to watch her DVD, but fun to watch her as she danced along with it. She enjoyed drinking tea from Grandma's antique tea cups and sitting in bed with Grandma and watching the birds and the squirrels feed outside the window.

Landon is 2 going on 30! He is very deliberate in every step and action. I think that he probably knows EVERYTHING! He is a bit bossy like his Grandpa Ron – telling me when to fasten MY seatbelt, what to get for him, and what to do. When I handed Mommy (Laura) a few dollars to buy presents for the kids, she said to Landon, "what do you say?" He just shrugged and replied, "It's Yours", and walked away!

Little Kaedon is just three months old now and I need to correct his statistics. He was only 21 inches long and 10 lb. 11 oz. – just a little Baby! He is really good and it was fun listening to him squeak like all little babies do when he was hungry. I am sure it was more fun for me than for his Mother – since he likes to eat at least every two hours!
Tim brought his newly invented board game and taught us to play on Thanksgiving Day. It was really fun. It is a great invention! I'll do better next time I play his "Become a Rock Star Game!

That got Jesse in the mood for games so Laura & I played Jesse and Grandpa "Aggravation" and lost 4 times in a row until we "restructured the rules!"

My daughter came over on Friday and played with the kids. She brought toys from her house and they were delighted. She and Laura made plans for shopping on Saturday morning. While they went shopping, Grandpa and Grandma took Kaylee and Landon to the Bird Sanctuary where we saw lot of geese, ducks, blue heron, white egrets, and even deer. We went for a long walk and the kids were great hikers! Then our daughter and son in law joined us for steak and chicken dinners along with left over "Pretzel Salad" that Laura brought. Boy is that yummy!

Saturday evening Jesse, Laura and family visited them at their home to see all the nice things their Uncle has done to make it beautiful after Uncle Ernie and Jesse helped him put down beautiful floors. They will host Christmas this year after all their hard work re-decorating.

Thank you all for making it such a really fun time for Grandma and Grandpa. What sweet little ones Jesse and Laura have. Thanks for coming kids!
Have fun preparing for Christmas! Happy Holidays to all!


Mike Nickell and Cynthia Johnson said...

It sounds like you had a fun weekend with all the kids! And the outdoor decorations really light up the house - nice job.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a full house! Glad you had a good time. We made our own Thanksgiving over the weekend with turkey and stuffing, sweet potatoe pie and pecan pie! Brought back great memories. Love Maria