Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Job of Parenting 1975 - Forever

When my first child was born in 1959 I thought I would be tied down forever but looking back now it is amazing how quickly each window of experience opens, grows, and then changes. There is nothing better than having a grown daughter and son who are now my best friends and confidants.

But in 1975 when Ron & I married his son was 15, my daughter was 15, his daughter was 14 and my son was 13! It is obvious from hindsight that we only had 3 short years with the oldest two and 5 years with the youngest. We always had family dinners – with Ron doing or helping with the cooking, and there were always at least two teenage friends joining our weekend dinners. We were glad they enjoyed coming here and we thought ourselves to be pretty responsible parents. The stories that have been told (since they have grown up, and are safe from being grounded) cause us to ask "where were their parents?"

One of the many stories was about all three kids (and friends) taking turns riding "Big Wheel Toys" down Orchard Heights Road (one of the steepest roads in town) in the middle of the night – with the rest of them following in a car with headlights providing the only light for the rider. That is only one of the many stories. Ron's daughter lived with her Mom and only came for visits yearly during which she was harassed by the other three for "being the parents pet".

There were lots of fishing and camping trips to the White Water Wilderness area east of Detroit Oregon. What wonderful memories reside in my minds eye. What a joy it was and is to have such great, creative, adventurous kids.

It wasn't long though before they reached the age of ultimate wisdom (the time when parents know nothing and are to be seen and not heard). I remember writing in my journal on one of those days when I felt completely unappreciated and abandoned by all my children. Here is the entry: " Motherhood is only a role. It's a job of caring for, nurturing, loving and raising up little persons until they can be on their own. To expect some kind of retirement benefit from this job is irrational. It is never a job done as well as expected. It has so many glitches that get filtered through. I don't think it's as important as we've made it out to be! I resign with compliments to my staff and subordinates for coping and really turning out so well. Thanks Kids! It was a Jazz! (1986)"


Mike Nickell and Cynthia Johnson said...

Betty - having met 3 of your 4 kids (my peers!) I'd say you and Ron did a damn good job with them. Will you please adopt Mike and me (oh, and Sitka too)?

Anonymous said...

The 4th one you haven't met is pretty darn awesome, if I could say so myself. Vicki Lennox(Derricott)

Mike Nickell and Cynthia Johnson said...

HELLO Vicki! Does this count as "meeting"? Isn't Betty's blog idea great?? Come downstairs the next time you're in town!

Ron and Betty said...

Well I think your all great! We'd be proud to be your parents - you too Vicki!
Love Betty

Anonymous said...

Ah thanks Betty.

Thinks it does constitute a meeting. Will do. Think you may have met my son Jared when he was there a month or so ago. Maybe not. Until later, Vicki Sue

Tim said...

Nice job Mom! I like your Blog!
It brings back many memories of kegs of beer and wild nights when you were both gone camping and the "Children of the Corn" ruled the house. How did we survive?
Man I miss the good old days!
Love, Tim :-)

Ron and Betty said...

Please Kids - don't tell the Whole
World on us! We love you Lots!
Thanks Tim for reserving Mothers Day Breakfast with me - I am so pleased.