Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Life Changes

As I look out my beautiful bedroom corner window I see the giant maple leaves filling in the background of the grey sky – bigger every day – they seem so wrap us in a living cocoon of nature at its best. Ron & I watch each year until the sky disappears and our world is a tight knit web of positive present energy in which we thrive. We enjoy watching the birds and squirrels that visit our feeder, and are grateful for the frequent fly over of osprey, hawks, falcons and the occasional eagle. We live in gratitude for this heavenly place that we have helped to create – and appreciation of the deep understanding that this is ours to enjoy now, now, and now. Change is always afoot and when it comes as it inevitably will we intend to be flexible and joyful in the appreciation of the bigger picture of which every soul is a part.

We love and enjoy the special people who grace us with their presence and participation in our lives – and have been blessed beyond measure to have Mike, Cynthia and Sitka share our home for a year and 5 months. We felt the heart break when they announced they were moving "home" to Seattle. It has taken a few days to smile again – but we appreciate that in the big picture – they are very courageous and are pursuing their life's passion as every being needs to do.

We will miss the picnics – the game nights – the laughter and music drifting up from our daylight studio. But we will treasure the ongoing friendship and memories that are forever. Cynthia taught me how to blog! Thanks Cynthia! Mike fixed my computer! Thanks Mike. You two had better keep bloging so we can stay real close!

Next month we will be welcoming two new friends and tenants, Charlotte and Richard. While it seems prudent not to allow ourselves to get so close and care about them too much so we won't be hurt when change again comes, we know the love and caring is worth the hurt.

We have been through it so many times – Maria, our love is in Sweden. Jesse and Laura and their family are in Moses Lake. Ernie and Diana are in Moses Lake. Vicki is far away. Eric who lived with us in the '80's is in a mental hospital. Rich who shared our home for a year in the late 1980's is dead from alcohol abuse. The many "run-away" kids that came for only days at a time while we provided the Polk County Safe House have come, stolen our hearts and moved on for better or worse. But I gave my heart to each and every one in the now, now that they were here. We got to keep Eli our wonderful youngest son!

Our sons Ernie and Eli help Ron celebrate his birthday.
The Love that comes back makes Life Real and Deep and Important.

My Cup Overflows with Love and Joy. Tim & Marilyn, Deb & Jack, Jesse & Laura, Eli, Maria, Ernie & Diana, Thank You for the daily calls and e-mails, the loving concerns and for sharing our love. And Thank You to all the friends and relatives who love us from afar and are always there in a time of crisis. Even though we don't see you often – I can feel your love whenever I think of you.

Ron and his Sister, Pet

Life is good. Another Chapter for us begins.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tears of joy and love. How wonderful to have you in my life, so far away geographically, but so close in heart. I do love you and miss you so much. Love Maria