Ron & I were invited by our friends downstairs, Mike and Cynthia, for brunch on Memorial Day. We looked forward to it for days because food always smells so good from the Studio below!

We arrived to find a beautifully set table and flags and Memorial Day decorations in the window. Cynthia is always so sweet and etiquette conscious. She always brings a gift or flowers or flowers and wine when we host them. This is like the old school that we see celebrated by Ron's sister Pet's family. Her children always come with gifts. It is so nice! So with a garden full of flowers I decided to arrange what would be a beautiful bouquet only for a couple of days. It was fun to arrange.

Mike was cooking up some surprise for us! We sat down and had coffee while our hosts worked together to finish the really lovely brunch. The surprise – scrambled eggs lobster! Beautiful sausage, flakey croissants, a mixture of fresh strawberries and blueberries along with orange juice, coffee and the best company one could find made for a lovely and memorable treat.

Thank you Mike and Cynthia! We really enjoyed the time with you.
We had a great time and the flowers were beatuiful! Mike's a pretty good cook, huh?
What a wonderful day! I also wanted to say Happy Mother's Day - since it is - today - in Sweden. Love Maria
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