Thursday, May 21, 2009

Every Day is a new Adventure

I've been too busy having adventures to write in my blog lately. Yesterday we were interrupted by seeing a cute little Boston Terrier in danger on our busy street. Of course we brought him in. The sweet little guy seemed to be old and very compliant. Cynthia contributed some dog food from Sitka while I thought about what to do. The Humane Society of Salem was closed until noon on Thursday (today), so I made a poster for our tree out front and put a lost found ad in Craig's list.

Then the little boy and I took a nap together. He snores! As the evening wore on I became really concerned that somewhere his "mommy" was really worried about him and was broken hearted. About 8:00 pm my intuition told me to take the dog on a rope Ron had tied carefully not to choke him – and to go to Alpine Street to canvass the whole neighborhood if necessary to find his home.

At the first door I knocked on the gentleman told me he didn't know anything about the dog – but it was nice to meet a new neighbor who just moved in. I started on down the street when another man came running out of the same house and shouted – "a little old lady has been looking for a dog today – and she lives in the last house on the right".

I shouted "Thank You" and the dog & I headed to the end of the street. As I turned into the yard I saw a little foot scraper with a "Boston Terrier's Head" and I knew I was in the right place. I rang the door bell and a lady answered. "Is this your baby?" I asked. "Yes" was her joyful reply. She invited me in to see the dog run and explain how very careful she is with her dog named "Beau"! (That was our cat's name.) She is 91 years old and had had her next door neighbor looking – since Beau had been missing since the day before. It was a happy reunion and another confirmation that one should always listen and respond to the quiet inner voice that knows what to do!

I will have more adventures to tell soon. Till then – have a great day – wherever you are!

1 comment:

Mike Nickell and Cynthia Johnson said...

We're so happy to hear about the reunion. Beau is one lucky doggie! And you are one nice person to go out and find his mama.