Tuesday, January 12, 2010

2010 Promises

2010 promises to be a very exciting and good year for Ron & me. Ron is doing very well physically and has a steady flow of upholstery coming in – which he is enjoying very much. We are thinking in terms of what we "really want to do" and have already put some memory makers on our calendar.

Mike & Cynthia gave us a very generous gift certificate to Morton's Bistro Northwest, which is here in West Salem. We have made our reservations for Valentines Day! We always think about Valentines dinner out too late – so this year it will be fabulous!

Mike & Cynthia are planning a very special gift for the River Romp as well. I expect that will take place August 6 – 8th. Last year was a struggle for Ron to set up camp, Mike got too hot and had to go home early – so this year they are planning to rent an RV for the event that is big enough for all of us to share. I wonder what Lip Sync they will be planning for this year??

I have registered to attend my 50th Class Reunion in Shelley Idaho September 17-18 this year. It is hard to believe that all those "kids" have grown up to be great grandparents! With the trip to Idaho in the plans, I made a reservation for one night in the historical Old Faithful Inn. We will stay in the old section and experience what it was like in the early years with a room at the Inn – bathroom down the hall! I am SO excited. I also made reservations for dinner there – which I was told is already completely booked for the 7:00 hour on September 8th! I took 6:00 pm!

When I was a youngster my family made frequent trips to Yellowstone Park. In the years past it was not unusual to see lots of Black Bear and sometimes Grizzly Bear out on the roads – begging for a hand-out. We stayed in little 20" x 20' cabins equipped with beds and a little wood stove for cooking. In 1955 my parents and I took relatives from Nebraska and stayed in the cabin shown here. I warned my Mid-West cousins that there were Bear outside – but they didn't believe it. So while we were cooking dinner – one cousin opened the door to find a big black bear, tongue hanging out and drooling on our door step ready to enter. You can bet that got his attention!

The Bears became too dangerous – or people too foolish so they have been removed to the back country for years now. I must admit it has been over 30 years since I have visited Yellowstone – and a lot has happened. There was the huge forest fire that threatened the Old Faithful Inn – and many more tourists visit now. The last time Ron & I were there we had young teenagers along. This will be a grand adventure.

We will be able to visit my brother Bob and his wife Barbara in Idaho Falls – gratefully we will have a place to stay for a couple of weeks. My Class of 1960 is building a float for the "Spud Day Parade" and we will ride or walk in the parade on Saturday September 18th.

In 1957 I was the person in charge of building and entering a float for the Girls Federation Club – and it WON first place! Of course my Dad donated the hay-wagon base and my Mother did a lot of the planning. My girlfriends and I did a lot of work and we were rewarded with a ride in the "Spud Day Parade".

My Dad was a farmer, and Spud Digging was our money making time of year. He hired a crew and we were in the cold, hot, rain, dust or whatever came until all those beautiful potato's were in the big cellar. Dad was so proud of his #1's! Raising big smooth beautiful spuds was an art – until the potato processors turned the culls into Instant Potato's and Chips. The big automated farms took over and Dad retired the farm and went to work for the potato processor's to finish out his career. What a guy! Below you see some of the crew taking a lunch break during October 1957 potato harvest – my Dad in the background taking a quick nap on the floor! He was the boss, the crew leader, the payroll department, the bookkeeper, the mechanic, the CEO and the back bone of our farm and family. Born in 1904 he passed away at nearly 98 years old – and is still dearly missed.

We are looking forward to a Happy New Year and hope you are too!

Love to All!


Anonymous said...

Well Ron - nobody comments! I think this is a really fun plan, don't you?? Looking forward to 2010 with you Love!

Anonymous said...

Debbie Says Great!

Anonymous said...

Maria says sounds like you have a wonderful year ahead of you! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

betty you were a beauty then and you still are!

sounds like you have your whole year planned out-that's great. i tend to do the same thing. my husband and i have 3 big vacations coming up. in april we will go on a cruise to celebrate my sister's 50th wedding anniversary. in june we are going to spend a week in sedona, ar. and we already have our christmas plans made as well. since both our boys moved to the east coast last summer, we will be spending the holidays in n.y.c. and and new jersey. i love to travel and if we had the money, i'd always be on the go.

steve and i went camping in the the tetons and yellowstone 2 1/2 years ago. the night we camped at ys i wasn't worried about bears. the bathroom was right across the street from our tent, so going in the middle of the night didn't bother me. well, the next day i heard that there had been a siren rung in the campground during the night because there had been a bear right nearby. i remember hearing a ranger, in the mniddle of the night, talking to some boy scouts who were camping very close to us. i put 2 and 2 together and realized why the ranger was so upset. evidently the scouts had left some food out and that is what attracted the bear. sure glad i didn't hear about the bear during the night, i probably would not have been able to get back to sleep.

by now you're probably wondering, "who is this person?" i'm cynthia's friend teresa, we met last april when i was down on spring break.

that river romp sounds like a blast. glad you rented to cynthia and mike. sounds like you've all become like family members.

have a great weekend and a wonderful year.

p.s. looks like i more than made up for the lack of comments ;-)