Our Christmas Amaryllis is now blooming again and made for a nice mantle piece.
We picked the first blooms from Rilletta's Camellia which made a lovely bouquet.
The living room looks beautiful with the new furniture Ron just finished. What a talented man!
We so enjoy our fireplace when it is rainy and wintery - even though spring has sprung all about.
A family dinner - how blessed we are with wonderful kids. Thanks to all of you for so much LOVE!
How does he stay so young? How does he stay so strong and so healthy? Don't know but I am very grateful.
Everyone called – Thanks Pet, Ernie, Jesse, Angel, Vicki and of course those wonderful kids who live next door. They gifted Ron with lots of money for his next fishing trip! He is thrilled. The weather is not right – the rivers too high – but one day – soon – he hopes.
We Listen to the new song . . .
Tim & Marilyn brought a special gift of a CD copy of the song Marilyn just wrote the words for – and they just finished mixing down before they came over. It was beautiful – and it is not yet completed. What talented kids we have! They are booked at a Portland theater to perform some of their original music. We are so proud!
Eli was lots of help with serving the meal and they all helped with dishes. He and Ron enjoy the new recliner.
Jack was sick and couldn't come so we didn't get to see our grand dogs. Debbie looked beautiful.Betty served Ron this year even though he objected. It was raining outside so no barbecue! We enjoyed steel head which he "caught from the man at the market".
Angel Food Cake topped with chocolate whipped cream garnished with strawberries and an annoying candle playing "Happy Birthday" in a very high pitch!

Happy Birthday to a very special Husband, Father, Grandpa and Man!