We have bragged about our kids, our grandchildren and our great-grandchildren and we are so proud of them all. We have not focused on the very special Grand-Pets that we enjoy along with their proud "parents" who from time to time ask us to Pet-sit for them! It is time to show you the special ones who also bring great joy.
Tim & Marilyn recently traveled to Costa Rica for an 8 day stay. While they were gone Ron & I shared duty with Marilyn's mom to look after Charlie and Charity!

Charlie celebrated with us when his parents came home safe and sound from so far away!
Eli & Rebeccah and her daughter Rachel asked us to watch Peanut over the weekend while they went to the beach!

While I took a little nap, Peanut rounded up all the stuffed animals in the house!

When I woke up and asked him what he was doing with all my stuffed animals - he showed me!!

Opps! There's and ear missing!
Jack & Deb have shared generations of grand-pets with us. Right now they have Clara
who has been with them about 7 years and Sweet Pea (who was a feral cat – very shy).
They are soon going to add two little Sheltie Pups to our grand-pets. We have already seen the babies who will come home to them at the end of this month. You will see much more of them as they grow.

Mike & Cynthia left we had Sitka to play with and help us by throwing her ball in the hole Ron was trying to dig!

We have pet birds!

Pet Squirrels - we feed 50 pounds of nuts every 60 days!

We have a Friendly Oak who greets all the walkers passing by!

Last of all – we honor the memory of our sweet Beau who was our very best friend for over 13 years. And there have been many more of these sweet loving little beings who ask for nothing more than our love, and food, and shelter, and medical care and attention 24-7 and for that they return gifts too grand to compare!

On the human side of things –
Maria – our Swedish Daughter will soon be welcoming a new baby – in June – we expect. Our wonderful tenants look forward to welcoming a Son the end of May or first of June. We are so blessed! We love Grand –All of You!

Friends celebrate with a baby shower for our tenant friends!
Joy and Love to all . . .
AND WELCOME to the new Babies!