Friday March 12th was probably the prettiest and warmest day we have had yet this spring so we took off for the "Three Rivers" where he had heard the Steelhead run was in progress. This drive takes us toward Pacific City on the Oregon Coast.
Once on the stream Ron soon learned that the Steelhead weren't running and that the Fish and Game Dept. had planted trout in Hebo Lake – up on Hebo Mountain. We'd never been there before – so the adventure began.

We began our climb up the Mountain in the center of the little town named "Hebo". We found the pretty little lake about 4 miles up on the windy paved road. Lots of fisherman were enjoying the beautiful day.

Looking for more adventure – we continued another 9 miles about straight up the mountain to the top to see the "observation tower". There was no tower – but instead a long time used Radar Station.

From the top of the Mountain we could see the Pacific Ocean about 180 degrees out. From that site we could see the big "G" in the inlet of Garibaldi. What a thrill!

Then we came down the Mountain with very warm brakes and headed for the fish hatchery on the way to Oceanside.

Oceanside is one of our most favorite towns on the Oregon Coast. It is nestled in a cove that is filled with wild life. In fact it looks like all the Sea Lions from the Pacific Coast had gathered there.

I took a picture of the "A Frame" rental we have used numerous times. We'll have to go back to stay sometime soon! Click on photos to enlarge view.

The sun was getting close to the horizon when we headed back 101 toward Lincoln City and home. We were really tired from the drive the elated with the beauty of the day.
Wish you were here – those of you still fighting snow! Spring is coming!
Love to All