I am looking for ways to make this a really special celebration. Ron has already bought $50 worth of rib steaks so he is planning to barbeque in his outdoor kitchen as always. I will need to find a way to get him out long enough for someone to appropriately decorate the place! If you have any ideas – let me know. I need help to really surprise him.
If you are a family member planning to come you can email me at bettyderricott@hotmail.com and Ron will never know about it!

While the middle of our Nation is having a bad winter – we are seeing spring here in our beautiful Salem Oregon. The daffodils are blooming now. I have seen Azaleas in bloom up and down our street. My Christmas gift of Amaryllis is beautiful as you can see.

Mike & Cynthia invited us down for an evening of Bingo recently. It was such fun spending the evening with them. Mike had worked all day it appeared making wonderful food for us to share. With a few quarters thrown in to make it interesting – first Cynthia won big and later Ron took the pot! Par for the course – huh? Ron likes to win!!

Cynthia has been in charge of the Food Drive for her office. She has done a wonderful job to get everyone involved. I'm sure she will post all the activities soon. I made a cake to donate and Ron made the pretty box to display it in. Hope it helps!
My daughter got a new puppet. Yes – she enjoys any furry stuffed animal as well as her two cats. She brought the puppet to play with Sitka. Sitka wanted to eat it! I don't blame her. It is sure fun having a dog here again. We love her.

If you don't care to comment on my blog – do send an email to share your thoughts and ideas.
Happy Valentines Day to all!