What a grand Season it has been for us. Sharing with a sweet family has given us joy beyond measure.
As I told you in the last blog Ron & I requested of our guests for the December 11th,
"In the Spirit" Christmas Family Gathering that the money that would have been spent for us and from us be donated to a charity. It turned out that our kids and their Dad made similar agreements to exchange with gifts to charities of their choice.
By the time our party came around Ron & I had already selected a little family in recovery who could benefit with a little help. We took the 27 year old single mom and her 3 yr old and 5 year old to the Oak Knoll Christmas Tree farm where they got to ride the train to the trees and select their own tree. They got to have hot cider, or hot co-co and play with the gentle big dogs in the Farm's guest room filled with decorated trees.
What a thrill it was for Ron & I to see the Joy reflected in their eyes.
They were all tickled that Ron would join them in skipping happily down the road to follow the tree's picked up ty the wagon. He is a pretty good Grandpa!
Ron bought a Christmas tree stand for them – and put the tree in it. Then we proceeded to be sure there were presents under the tree for all. With the money we would have spent on family members – the Mommy got $50 cash to shop for the children while I stayed with them. While Mommy was gone shopping I helped the kids wrap some simple gifts for Mom and put them under the tree. When Mommy got home beaming
with her success – she got a cash gift of $45 dedicated to spend on herself for make up and the basic necessities she has been doing without. What a thrill to see their beautiful Christmas tree all decorated with lots of presents underneath. Thank you to my family for agreeing to share in this remarkable way. It has been the most joyful season I can remember.
Other Charities receiving gifts were the Humane Society, Multnomah Women's Crisis Center, Ronald McDonald House, and Building Blocks (a place dedicated to helping families at risk. Boy did we spread the joy all around!!
Our family gathering was spent playing games, singing Christmas Carols together with Marilyn playing along on her acoustic guitar. We snacked on all the finger foods and treats anyone could want. It was Grand! We were entertained by our youngest family members - Sophie and Winston - the Grand-dogs!
On December 17th Ron & I enjoyed taking a ride with Tim & Marilyn to see all the beautiful Christmas lights. Afterward Tim treated us to Ice Cream at Dairy Queen. What fun!
On December 19th Eli invited Ron & I to his lovely apartment for a Prime Rib Dinner.
What a wonderful evening that was!
On December 22 Ron & I took a drive to Lebanon Oregon where our former neighbor and friend Rilletta lives in a Elder Care Center. We took her out to lunch at Sheri's and the Lottery was friendly to Ron there at Sheri's – and bought our lunch for us! Rilletta was happy with the visit and for those of you who know her – she is doing great. She enjoys the other 3 residents in the small facility and remains quite independent. She was happy with the big can of cookies we took along for her. She will share them with her family on Christmas Day. She had to hide them from the "boy's in residence"!
Our daughter and son-in-law are spending Christmas with his family in Bend Oregon enjoying the snow. Our little Grand-dogs don't know what to make of it!
Our son and daughter-in-law will spend Christmas with her family here.
Eli will join Ron & I for this evening – and Christmas will have all to ourselves to do whatever we decide to do!
(opps sorry about the miss spelling - you know what I mean! Lots of FRESH coffee)
On December 27th we will celebrate our Son's birthday with a day at the 3-D Tron opening!
We are well and happy. Sending our Love your way. Enjoy Everyday!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Planning a Caring Christmas
As people rush about buying things and wrapping their gifts or choosing gift cards or heaven forbid Cash I suppose they are seeking that wonderful feeling that we have when we can give something to a loved one that makes them smile, and feel loved, and feel understood, and feel cared about.
I love that feeling – and make it a practice all year long to be looking for some way to affirm others, to understand who they are, and to do what I can to contribute to them in a way that touches the spirit as it meets physical needs.
Sometimes I really fail at this and let my ego run the little program of blaming, labeling, condemning, and judging others. I find I fail most often with those who are closest to me – who love me so much that I know they will not turn away, in spite of the abuse.
I am engaged in the process of letting go of these material attachments so that the ego state will be noticed and stop thinking we are separate or different, or better, or worse than someone else. If I can notice the thoughts of separation and smile – I can return to the Love Center that is really me – that I am a part of – that brings joy and opportunity to spread the Love Energy to everyone I meet. This is a moment by moment process that teaches Presence in the moment – which is where we all live.
Ron and I are hosting a family gathering in the middle of December and have requested that our guests not bring us a gift and not expect a gift from us, but instead for each couple who is able to do so, bring a maximum cash gift of $25.00. We have selected the Mid-Valley Women's Crisis Service to receive a donation of the cash we receive.
My Son called this morning to say he and his wife have chosen the Humane Society to receive their donations – and reported that other family members have joined the cause to make this Christmas an example of Caring for Each Other. Instead of spending our time together opening gifts – we will spend our time together playing games – singing songs we love – sharing finger foods – and our heart felt Love for one another – no matter how different we think, no matter how different our life styles, and Celebrating the fact that in this Wonderful Life – We are all One – in the Spirit of Love.
I love that feeling – and make it a practice all year long to be looking for some way to affirm others, to understand who they are, and to do what I can to contribute to them in a way that touches the spirit as it meets physical needs.
Sometimes I really fail at this and let my ego run the little program of blaming, labeling, condemning, and judging others. I find I fail most often with those who are closest to me – who love me so much that I know they will not turn away, in spite of the abuse.
I am engaged in the process of letting go of these material attachments so that the ego state will be noticed and stop thinking we are separate or different, or better, or worse than someone else. If I can notice the thoughts of separation and smile – I can return to the Love Center that is really me – that I am a part of – that brings joy and opportunity to spread the Love Energy to everyone I meet. This is a moment by moment process that teaches Presence in the moment – which is where we all live.
Ron and I are hosting a family gathering in the middle of December and have requested that our guests not bring us a gift and not expect a gift from us, but instead for each couple who is able to do so, bring a maximum cash gift of $25.00. We have selected the Mid-Valley Women's Crisis Service to receive a donation of the cash we receive.
My Son called this morning to say he and his wife have chosen the Humane Society to receive their donations – and reported that other family members have joined the cause to make this Christmas an example of Caring for Each Other. Instead of spending our time together opening gifts – we will spend our time together playing games – singing songs we love – sharing finger foods – and our heart felt Love for one another – no matter how different we think, no matter how different our life styles, and Celebrating the fact that in this Wonderful Life – We are all One – in the Spirit of Love.
Wishing you all a Joyous Christmas Season!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The Viking Celebrates 70!
It seems like a good time to reflect on all the good things in life – since it feel like my cup overflows! What a great year Ron & I have experienced.
Ron is so much more healthy now – his heart is working very well – allowing him to have diabetic meds that make his average blood sugar within the good range!
I am feeling really good and back to water aerobics 3 to 4 times a week. I feel so much better when I can do that. I will be loosing one of my precious front teeth because of a bone disease – but hopefully not until next year! I want another Christmas with my TWO Front Teeth!
Celebrating Valentines Day - with Gift Dinner from Cynthia & Mike
We had such a really great vacation – 3 weeks – in Idaho with my brother and family – in Yellowstone – and at my 50 year class reunion. I have kept in e-mail contact with several of my good girl friends since the reunion and it is great!
Alyce was and is a best friend. She sends the best articles and e-mails. Thanks Alyce. Ann - Elizabeth and I had lunch together every day during my Junior Year.
The house Tim came home to from the hospital - he was born when Debbie was 3
My wonderful daughter calls every evening, and my son Tim calls often in the mornings when he has a moment free. Grandson Jesse calls at least once a week and keeps us informed about things in Moses Lake. Eli shows up now and then just to see what needs to be done – like cleaning the roof and gutters or watering the garden.
Our home is so beautiful. It has kept us safe and warm since August of 1975. Ron & I both love it like a family member and plan to always be here – for as long as we all survive – us and our house.
Hydranges dried, spray painted and sparkled add to my fall mantel.
The fall color has piled up knee deep all over our property. Ron & I spent the morning playing in the leaves – sending them flying over the hill so we can start again in the spring.
We are thankful for 3 loyal tenants who take care of us as well as we take care of them.
New friends show up – with love in their hearts and together we find ways to "pay it forward" for the less fortunate – who are also a gift in our lives – because they show us courage and strength and determination that lifts our spirits to another challenge.
We are thankful for you, friends, who send us e-mails – jokes – funny articles and inspiring stories. We are grateful to have you in our lives.
We are Thankful! Happy Thanksgiving!
Love, Ron and Betty
It seems like a good time to reflect on all the good things in life – since it feel like my cup overflows! What a great year Ron & I have experienced.
Ron is so much more healthy now – his heart is working very well – allowing him to have diabetic meds that make his average blood sugar within the good range!
I am feeling really good and back to water aerobics 3 to 4 times a week. I feel so much better when I can do that. I will be loosing one of my precious front teeth because of a bone disease – but hopefully not until next year! I want another Christmas with my TWO Front Teeth!
Celebrating Valentines Day - with Gift Dinner from Cynthia & Mike
We had such a really great vacation – 3 weeks – in Idaho with my brother and family – in Yellowstone – and at my 50 year class reunion. I have kept in e-mail contact with several of my good girl friends since the reunion and it is great!
Alyce was and is a best friend. She sends the best articles and e-mails. Thanks Alyce. Ann - Elizabeth and I had lunch together every day during my Junior Year.
The house Tim came home to from the hospital - he was born when Debbie was 3
My wonderful daughter calls every evening, and my son Tim calls often in the mornings when he has a moment free. Grandson Jesse calls at least once a week and keeps us informed about things in Moses Lake. Eli shows up now and then just to see what needs to be done – like cleaning the roof and gutters or watering the garden.
Our home is so beautiful. It has kept us safe and warm since August of 1975. Ron & I both love it like a family member and plan to always be here – for as long as we all survive – us and our house.
Hydranges dried, spray painted and sparkled add to my fall mantel.
The fall color has piled up knee deep all over our property. Ron & I spent the morning playing in the leaves – sending them flying over the hill so we can start again in the spring.
We are thankful for 3 loyal tenants who take care of us as well as we take care of them.
New friends show up – with love in their hearts and together we find ways to "pay it forward" for the less fortunate – who are also a gift in our lives – because they show us courage and strength and determination that lifts our spirits to another challenge.
We are thankful for you, friends, who send us e-mails – jokes – funny articles and inspiring stories. We are grateful to have you in our lives.
We are Thankful! Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 6, 2010
Playing Hooky
Back to Life in Salem. It has been raining a lot – so when we saw a forecast of two rain free days – and warm weather Ron & I conspired to play hooky and head for the coast!
You must understand – for us – playing hooky is such a far out venture that the decision in itself made us giddy. Ron cancelled appointments and we took off – for a day off!
First through the Basket Refuge where we saw deer feeding on a hillside, a mature eagle sitting in a tree, two swans among thousands of geese and other water foul.
Then on to the Spirit Mountain Casino – where I read for an hour while Ron made an investment of $10.00 and returned with $94.00! That will pay for a nice lunch and gas!
The further South we went the more fog we saw on the Ocean – but we saw it – the Pacific Ocean! I love to visit the Ocean in the fall and I missed it this year due to our trip to Idaho.
South of Lincoln City we stopped for a wonderful sea food lunch at the famous "Mo's".
Then on to Newport to the Yaquina Head with lots of fog – pelicans and other sea creatures. Harbor Seals at the Head – and then once on the water front of Newport – California Sea Lions barking away.
Ron took a stroll onto the dock and bought two live crabs to take home with us.
Then it was home through Kings Valley with the beautiful fall colors – and a feast of Crab Louie!
Yesterday I painted my dried hydrangeas for Christmas decorations. Red and White with gold and silver sparkles promise a creative swag for my fire-place mantel.
Wish I had pictures to share but it appears I erased them!! Computers and Operators - Oh Well.
Happy Thanks Giving to all of our American friends and Love to all.
You must understand – for us – playing hooky is such a far out venture that the decision in itself made us giddy. Ron cancelled appointments and we took off – for a day off!
First through the Basket Refuge where we saw deer feeding on a hillside, a mature eagle sitting in a tree, two swans among thousands of geese and other water foul.
Then on to the Spirit Mountain Casino – where I read for an hour while Ron made an investment of $10.00 and returned with $94.00! That will pay for a nice lunch and gas!
The further South we went the more fog we saw on the Ocean – but we saw it – the Pacific Ocean! I love to visit the Ocean in the fall and I missed it this year due to our trip to Idaho.
South of Lincoln City we stopped for a wonderful sea food lunch at the famous "Mo's".
Then on to Newport to the Yaquina Head with lots of fog – pelicans and other sea creatures. Harbor Seals at the Head – and then once on the water front of Newport – California Sea Lions barking away.
Ron took a stroll onto the dock and bought two live crabs to take home with us.
Then it was home through Kings Valley with the beautiful fall colors – and a feast of Crab Louie!
Yesterday I painted my dried hydrangeas for Christmas decorations. Red and White with gold and silver sparkles promise a creative swag for my fire-place mantel.
Wish I had pictures to share but it appears I erased them!! Computers and Operators - Oh Well.
Happy Thanks Giving to all of our American friends and Love to all.
Monday, October 25, 2010
50 Year High School Reunion
All summer long I worked on the "slide-show" DVD Video to present at the reunion.
I had such fun doing it. I received a small amount of current pictures of classmates and I used the Web to find scenes from the 50's – 60's to incorporate. Since each picture is shown for only 4 seconds it takes a lot of pictures to make a 10 or 20 minute presentation.
I managed to put together a 20 minute presentation and then from different sources I found the music to accompany the pictures. I was delighted with the finished product and I had 32 DVD's to give to class mates to take home as souvenirs of our gathering.
Arvon Arave provided CD's of 1950's music for everyone to take home. Of the Three Buddies shown here only Arvon on the far left is still living.
Ron & I left a little early to get the equipment all ready for the presentation.
There were about 60 people present at the dinner which was really good. A photographer took group pictures that are probably better than the shot Ron took with my camera of the graduating class members.
About 38 class members were present. Click on pictures to enlarge.
Saturday was the Spud Day Parade in Shelley Idaho. We joined my brother, sister-in-law, nephew and niece along with other family members to watch the parade. Then Ron & I went to Ann Durbin's place to share a picnic of baked "Idaho Russet's". As a part of the event held at the Shelley Park after the parade 5,000 baked potatoes are given away!
This gathering was much smaller – but gave me a chance to visit with best friends.
Thank you to my son Tim who helped me so much with the DVD. Thank you to my husband Ron who worked so hard to see to it that I got to do every part of my Idaho Trip Dream!
Now I am in touch with very special class friends on the internet and it is delightful!
I have celebrated my 69th birthday with family – fall is coming with the beautiful colors and the first of our winter storms. I love this time of year!
Love to all.
I had such fun doing it. I received a small amount of current pictures of classmates and I used the Web to find scenes from the 50's – 60's to incorporate. Since each picture is shown for only 4 seconds it takes a lot of pictures to make a 10 or 20 minute presentation.
I managed to put together a 20 minute presentation and then from different sources I found the music to accompany the pictures. I was delighted with the finished product and I had 32 DVD's to give to class mates to take home as souvenirs of our gathering.
Arvon Arave provided CD's of 1950's music for everyone to take home. Of the Three Buddies shown here only Arvon on the far left is still living.
Ron & I left a little early to get the equipment all ready for the presentation.

There were about 60 people present at the dinner which was really good. A photographer took group pictures that are probably better than the shot Ron took with my camera of the graduating class members.
About 38 class members were present. Click on pictures to enlarge.
Saturday was the Spud Day Parade in Shelley Idaho. We joined my brother, sister-in-law, nephew and niece along with other family members to watch the parade. Then Ron & I went to Ann Durbin's place to share a picnic of baked "Idaho Russet's". As a part of the event held at the Shelley Park after the parade 5,000 baked potatoes are given away!
This gathering was much smaller – but gave me a chance to visit with best friends.
Thank you to my son Tim who helped me so much with the DVD. Thank you to my husband Ron who worked so hard to see to it that I got to do every part of my Idaho Trip Dream!
Now I am in touch with very special class friends on the internet and it is delightful!
I have celebrated my 69th birthday with family – fall is coming with the beautiful colors and the first of our winter storms. I love this time of year!
Love to all.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Visiting the "Funny Farm"
Visiting my brother Bob who is my only sibling and is 10 years my senior was wonderful. We not only enjoyed reminiscing, short car trips to see the old places we both remembered, but just exploring their little farm and antiques was fascinating.
Ever since they were married in the 1970's Bob and Barbara have been members of the Rock Club and active in collecting rocks, a variety of antiques, old farm equipment and a very entertaining yard decor.
They have used the beautiful rocks to build a waterfall, wishing well, sun dial, walls, the chimney on their house and have arranged whimsical creatures in every corner of the lawn and flower beds.
Since it was fall when we visited it was time to paint the wooden attractions so Barbara's daughter Kam was busy making them beautiful for spring when they come out again. Ron even got in on the painting. He had a good artistic time!

Thanks to you – Bob and Barbara for feeding us and showing us a very good time!
Love to all -
Special Get Well to Johan in Sweden.
Next time I will have a few pictures of the "old people" at the class reunion
See you soon . . . .
Ever since they were married in the 1970's Bob and Barbara have been members of the Rock Club and active in collecting rocks, a variety of antiques, old farm equipment and a very entertaining yard decor.
They have used the beautiful rocks to build a waterfall, wishing well, sun dial, walls, the chimney on their house and have arranged whimsical creatures in every corner of the lawn and flower beds.

A project waiting for an idea above
My brother keeps many antiques in his home and nearby that private groups like his Rock Club get to enjoy from time to time.
Thanks to you – Bob and Barbara for feeding us and showing us a very good time!
Love to all -
Special Get Well to Johan in Sweden.
Next time I will have a few pictures of the "old people" at the class reunion
See you soon . . . .
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