I love the Passion Flowers. They remind me of my passion for life.
The way we perceive the events of our day ultimately defines how we feel about our experiences. In the last few years it has been easier to receive each day's gifts with a sense of abundance and gratitude. As I see it – whenever I meet someone new, I pause and look closely for the gift or the lesson they bring. When a beautiful bird fly's over my head, I thank it for the blessing. While I rake the abundance of leaves that fall daily I marvel at their unique colors and size and the wonder of the changing seasons.
I went for a walk at the park and a beautiful Red Irish Setter broke loose from its owner and came running toward me as fast as she could come. I was delighted – her owner was embarrassed and worried that she would jump up on me and knock me down! I greeted the dog with my hand out and said "Sit" and she did! She plunked herself down right at my feet and looked up at me for approval. I told her she was a "good girl" and gave her a big hug just as her owner arrived. The dog is Lilly and her owner is Patricia. We met there under my sacred Grandfather Oak Tree. It seems that Lilly thought I had something in my hand for her. In fact I was holding a very special obsidian Arrowhead that has become meditation medicine that I use sometimes. I opened my hand and showed my brand new acquaintance, Patricia, as we stood under the Ancient Oak. She immediately said "Oh, let me hold it? Let me feel it's energy. Oh, I feel your energy!" Patricia shared with me that she always stops under the "grandfather oak" to ask him for strength, since she has a weak back. She said she used to have a white obsidian Arrowhead which is very sacred – but it has left her now. We talked about our mutual relationship to Native
American Spiritual Traditions – work with Shaman – vision quest and ceremony. We had passed each other in the park many times – but today we knew each other. What a gift!

I told Patricia that my meditation walk that day was in honor of my mother who passed on that date many years ago. She told me of her daily meditation walk with two sons that she had lost – and of her gratitude for her nature walks during which she always feels their presence. I received another priceless gift today – a gift of understanding and love.
Marilyn gave me a bicycle that was too tall so I traded it for a smaller mountain bike and I am delighted to say I have been for my first ride and survived. It isn't going to be so bad being 68! I have lots of new things to do and learn. Thanks Marilyn for the bike – and thanks to you all for remembering me! Love you all!