Autumn is here in all its' glory. I LOVE this time of year with the Indian-Summer of warm weather we usually experience coupled with the beautiful colors of the many varieties of deciduous trees that abound in our beautiful Oregon.
This year we have enjoyed a bountiful harvest, both from our own garden, but also from the Saturday market and the farmers we have purchased produce from for over 30 years. Just before beginning the busiest week of my life – when I was Cat sitting for my son and helping my daughter and son in law finish up a remodel and decorate in time for my daughter's 50th birthday party (for which she only invited 100 guests!!), the Improved Elberta Peach crop was ready. Peaches ripe on the trees and rain predicted within 48 hours hastened us on.

Ron was finishing up a chair for our daughter – to be delivered before the birthday party so he didn't have as much time as usual to help. Toward the end he saved me as always.
All in all we got 40 quarts of peaches in a lovely light syrup – and lots of fresh peaches to enjoy.

A trip to the duplex on Sept. 10th would be the last time to mow for this year since Ron was scheduled for his ICD implant on September 15th.

No It's not for rent now - old picture!
All went well – although we are both still recovering! Ron was diagnosed with diabetes while in the hospital so we are in the midst of restructuring our meals and those peaches in light syrup will come in real handy.
Ron had his surgery on the 15th as planned and our kind and wonderful friend Mike volunteered to come along and sit with me until Ron was back in his room. Tim works at the hospital so he was able to drop in from time to time – but our daughter was working so we saw her and our son in law that night. Mike told me funny story after funny story through the 4 hour wait and I can't tell you Mike dear Friend how much that helped to ease my anxiety.

Thank you to all our friends and family who have been e-mailing and sending cards. We appreciate your love more than you know. Ron is doing better every day and can't wait to get back to his upholstery around the middle of October.???
Enjoy this special time of year. My Mother transitioned to heaven on October 7th and I came into this world on October 11th. My beloved grandson Jesse was born October 12th, and Ron's daughter Vicki shares the 25th with Grandmother St. John who was so precious to our family. Happy Autumn!
This year we have enjoyed a bountiful harvest, both from our own garden, but also from the Saturday market and the farmers we have purchased produce from for over 30 years. Just before beginning the busiest week of my life – when I was Cat sitting for my son and helping my daughter and son in law finish up a remodel and decorate in time for my daughter's 50th birthday party (for which she only invited 100 guests!!), the Improved Elberta Peach crop was ready. Peaches ripe on the trees and rain predicted within 48 hours hastened us on.

Ron was finishing up a chair for our daughter – to be delivered before the birthday party so he didn't have as much time as usual to help. Toward the end he saved me as always.

All in all we got 40 quarts of peaches in a lovely light syrup – and lots of fresh peaches to enjoy.

A trip to the duplex on Sept. 10th would be the last time to mow for this year since Ron was scheduled for his ICD implant on September 15th.

No It's not for rent now - old picture!
All went well – although we are both still recovering! Ron was diagnosed with diabetes while in the hospital so we are in the midst of restructuring our meals and those peaches in light syrup will come in real handy.
Ron had his surgery on the 15th as planned and our kind and wonderful friend Mike volunteered to come along and sit with me until Ron was back in his room. Tim works at the hospital so he was able to drop in from time to time – but our daughter was working so we saw her and our son in law that night. Mike told me funny story after funny story through the 4 hour wait and I can't tell you Mike dear Friend how much that helped to ease my anxiety.
Thank you to all our friends and family who have been e-mailing and sending cards. We appreciate your love more than you know. Ron is doing better every day and can't wait to get back to his upholstery around the middle of October.???
Enjoy this special time of year. My Mother transitioned to heaven on October 7th and I came into this world on October 11th. My beloved grandson Jesse was born October 12th, and Ron's daughter Vicki shares the 25th with Grandmother St. John who was so precious to our family. Happy Autumn!